Vitamin C in Orange Juice

Vitamin C in Orange Juice - Vitamin C in 200ml orange juice typically contains 60mg of vitamin C and is equivalent to 100 percent of the recommended daily amount for adults. The health benefits are due to the content of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Vitamin C in orange juice is very important in the production of collagen, along with nutritional super Lutein. Yellow pigment linked to reducing the sunlight that causes skin damage and is believed to improve skin elasticity. According to a panel of health experts and beauty, a glass of Vitamin C in orange juice could actually help improve the health of skin, hair and nails.
Orange Juice
Orange Juice
 Fresh Orange Juice
Susan Mahy, Director of the Cosmetic Executive Women UK, said: "These essential nutrients you need for healthy skin, hair and nails are the most beneficial when ingested as part of your meal." "Panel executive women in the field of perfumes, cosmetics and hairdressing concluded that they have a direct effect on the skin,”

Orange Juices
Orange Juices

Vitamin C in Orange Juices

How much vitamin C is in orange juice?

Vitamin C in Orange Juice
Vitamin C in Orange Juice
The recommended how much vitamin C in orange juice daily allowance of vitamin C is 60mg. This is a figure that is criticized more than probably any other micro-nutrient. Many nutritionist and health professionals dispute this and believe the figure should be much higher and often in the several thousand milligrams a day range. The general consensus is that 60mg a day is enough to ward off disease but not enough for optimum health.

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May 13, 2014 at 12:11 AM delete

This is really a nice information. I like orange juice and sometimes i take it with goji berries. By drinking juices you will have much more energy, will get instant nutrition, instant hydration, much better hair, skin and nails and almost certainly experience rapid weight loss.
Goji berry juice

October 23, 2015 at 12:00 AM delete

Thanks for this informative post ,people may also take help from some other fruits that are full of health benefits to maintain good health. You can add noni fruit juice in your diet to stay fit as the fresh noni can't be consumed. women can have the women's choice noni juice in their regular diet to maintain their health and also to reduce the excess fat to look amazing.

Sarah Jacb
December 21, 2016 at 1:52 PM delete

If the machine will only be used occasionally, you may consider buying a hand operated squeezer. Orange Juicer These are usually inexpensive and are ideal for making one or two cups now and then. You should however know that you will have to peel and slice the fruits by yourself.

John Roy
November 13, 2019 at 2:55 AM delete

Its great recipe you are sharing here for orange juice or drink. We always taken Shunya orange flavor juice or orange juice which is made by herbal supplement with 0 calorie drinks and there is no one health side-effects.

April 3, 2020 at 5:16 AM delete

Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about orange juice benefits. Please keep sharing.
Benefits Of Orange Juice


