Make Mangosteen Peel As Medicine

How to make mangosteen peel as medicine

make mangosteen peel as medicine
make mangosteen peel as medicine
Make mangosteen peel as medicine is easy to do
Make mangosteen peel as medicine? Probably one of the questions you like it. Apparently easy to make mangosteen peel as medicine for our bodies. Only by making the skin and the fruit into juice just does it like this: Prepare the ingredients used to make skin mangosteen juice, mangosteen is a fruit, honey, low-calorie sugar or palm sugar, 1 cup of boiled water. Such criteria, select a good mangosteen fruit, ripe, medium to large size, choose the best skin clean and free from the typical yellow getah2 mangosteen, mangosteen throw petals (in green) are located at the base where the stem of the mangosteen fruit mangosteen then wash the mangosteen fruit, to remove dirt and noda2 attached to the skin of the mangosteen. If you want you can peel (a thin layer only) outer skin of the mangosteen is hard and throw it away. 
mangosteen peel as medicine
mangosteen peel as medicine
Mangosteen peel as medicine has many benefits

dry mangosteen peel
dry mangosteen peel
 Dry Mangosteen Peel can be made as Medicine

mangosteen peel juice
mangosteen peel juice
 Mangosteen peel juice is a healthy drinks

Ingredients to make mangosteen peel as medicine

Make mangosteen peel as medicine is easy to do. Prepare a blender, or a juice maker. Open the mangosteen with broken hand so broke. Although the skin is seen from its name Mangosteen Juice but it's not just skin that will be made ​​juice but everything including seeds. Enter all the mangosteen flesh (which is white in it all the mangosteen seeds) into blender container. Cut the mangosteen peel (skin meat), may be with a knife, and also enter into blender container. Add 4-5 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup of boiled water (350-400 cc). Later if it is less sweet, add honey to taste may be palm sugar or sugar or low calorie (Tropicana Slim) according to taste. Mixed it mangosteen along with the skin (skin meat), and seeds until completely smooth (about 3-4 minutes). Well skin mangosteen juice is ready. Store in a container that can be tightly closed, can bottle, or a Tupperware container, and store in refrigerator. Make mangosteen peel as medicine is easy to do for us. If we want its benefits don’t be lazy make mangosteen peel as medicine.
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March 29, 2014 at 2:11 AM delete

I have read many benefits of Mangosteen fruit and that convinces me to consume it for breakfast every morning. It is rich in Vitamin C, Iron, Protein, Fiber Fiber Niacin, Calcium Vitamin B1 & B2 which makes it very popular and healthy fruit in Asia. Drink one glass of Mangosteen Juice to ward off most diseases. Thanks for sharing the information.

April 19, 2016 at 10:57 PM delete

Thanks for the post, people who are really concerned about the health may take help from the natural juices or the natural juice extract to maintain good health. Suppose if you are not able to have fresh pomegranate juices everyday then you can have Pomegranate Juice Extract to complete the necessities of the body.


