Control hormones for ageless

There are several hormones that have trusted in close relationship with the old process. Control hormone that can make both the process and slowed the ageless. International Congress of Neuroendocrinology in Pittburgg and Paris Anti-Obesity Therapies Congress has been discussing this matter. There are some specific to the hormone ageless:

1. DHEA (dehidroepiandrosteron)
This hormone is produced by adrenalin gland. This hormone is the most abundant hormone in the body. This hormone functions to prevent effects such as the elderly quickly protect Alzheimer's, heart disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis also ovarium. The higher levels of DHEA in the body, then the more dense bones.

2. Melatonin
This hormone produced by pineal gland, located in the brain. This hormone can help someone to sleep. Sleep, of course, the hormone that is an old anti-fast HGH or human growth hormone. This hormone can also make anti-cancer effects. A study found, women with known breast cancer disease have low levels of melatonin. Melatonin also potentially be antioxidants that can help reduce depression. Research in Italy shows the results on supplements melantonin mouse extend his life 25 percent.

3. Hormone thiroid
This hormone is always involved when the body berproses do anything. When this hormone decreases the symptoms usually occur are the hands and feet so cold, difficult to lose weight, delayed memory, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, hair fall, dry skin, brittle nails and lack of energy and passionate sex.

4. HGH (human growth hormone)
According to experts this hormone produced by the pituitary hormones as the most potential to create ageless. This hormone can reduce excess body weight, increase muscle, increase bone strength, increase energy, enhance sexual performance, improve damage in people with heart disease, improve breathing capacity, improve the flow of blood and the callous skin.

5. Other hormones
Progesteron sex hormones, estrogen and testosteron also make a nutritious ageless. Progesteron shortages can create fear, difficult to sleep, rest hard, panic, anxiety, lack of breast fluid and swell. Lack of estrogen can make hair fall out, wrinkling in the mouth, breast down, furry face, dry eyes, depression, and tired quickly. While the lack of testoreton can make in the face wrinkling, loss of body muscle, obese waist, the chronic fatigue, a decrease in Libido, Erectile Dysfunction and achieve orgasme this difficulty can occur in men, also women.
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