Walking casually referred to here is not directly walk after supper, but give time for the body to rest for a while about 10-15 minutes. After that hoped someone could walk leisurely.
As quoted from Fitsugar.com, Thursday (12/09/2010) conducted a leisurely stroll after meals not only burn a few calories, but also helps the digestive process in this case makes the body organs work better. Leisurely walk after a meal also increases the food trips and help people with stomach ulcers.
Walking casually or slowly will stimulate peristalsis in the gut thus avoiding the buildup of food, making blood circulation is increased and the enzymes that work during the digestive process are sufficient to digest the food consumed.
In addition, walking leisurely for 10 minutes can be a cheap way to calm the mind, relieve stress, can prevent a person to think snacking, additional increases energy and also helps lower blood pressure.
Relaxed way this can be done anywhere, if it be at home enough to make the road back and forth in the house, whereas if it is outside can walk leisurely while enjoying fresh air.
According to the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center in Rochester leisurely stroll after dinner can help a person sleep more quickly and helps reduce cravings and snacking on high fat sweet foods late at night.
But someone is not advisable to walk fast or run after a big meal, because it can make the blood supply that should help the digestive process to be diverted to run fast. As well as making the heart work twice as big.
Meanwhile, for people with diabetes need more time before starting to run relaxed, ie 1-2 hours after eating. This is to wait when insulin and blood sugar levels remained decreased. Because if the direct current will disrupt the work of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.