Obama is like other smokers, had quit smoking before returning again. This time may be different. Gibss said so far the longest time that he was in the President without a cigarette. The reason a lot of research showing people who quit smoking during three months of often do not recur.
Gibss say, President Obama stop with the aid of Nicorette chewing gum and exercise and a lot of passion. For those of you who want to quit can follow the example of U.S. President follows.
1. Set targets for the date stopped. "Set one or two weeks," says clinical psychological experts from the National Cancer Institute of Tobacco Research Branch, Glen Morgan. "Think about the challenges you might encounter.
2. Talk to your doctor about anti-smoking treatment. "Get guidance from them," said Morgan. "They may recommend a particular treatment rather than changing behavior."
3. Get rid of all cigarettes. "Let no cigarettes around you, in your house," said Morgan. "That's important if you want to get rid of temptation,"
4. If you need to use nicotine replacement products, such as Nicorette and Commit, and drugs without nicotine.
5. Tell family and friends. You definitely want them to know, so they can support your efforts.republika.co.id