"The kids do not ever need energy drinks. These drinks contain caffeine and stimulants that are not nutritious content so that no child needs," said Benjamin Dr.Holly of the Academy of Pediatrics.
Children were also regarded as more risky group on the compounds present in energy drinks. "If the drink is consumed on a regular basis can cause stress on the body. This is very dangerous to the body that is still in its infancy," he explained.
The experts emphasized that water is the best drink if the child feels thirsty. Sports drinks may be required by young athletes who train hard because these drinks contain sugar.
Energy drinks contain a mix of content, including vitamins and herbal extracts, the side effects is unknown. Benjamin said, although not much documentation about the dangers of these drinks, but stimulants can disrupt heart rhythms and lead to seizures, although rarely.
Previously also found cases of 15 teenagers, who rushed to the hospital because of convulsions after drinking two bottles of soft drinks containing caffeine. Boy are people with concentration and behavioral disorders (ADHD) is a new drink, which contains the stimulant ADHD drug. Other caffeine sources of drinks were parties, reportedly triggered seizures.
Beginning in 2011, in the journal Pediatrics reviewed the literature on energy drinks. He mentioned that he found in Florida cases, convulsions, hallucinations, heart problems, kidney and liver in people who drank one bottle or more non-alcoholic energy drinks.