"The most dangerous fact is that hypnosis is not recognized as a hypnotic," said Ariesandi Setyono, founder of the Indonesian Academy of Hypnosis. Examples of the phenomenon of people who experience hypnosis without realizing it, according Ariesandi, are as follows:
* Watching the show on television until dissolved, then without knowing it had to cry, go mad, go hate, participate annoyance, or to laugh.
* Obtain an unconscious lacerations, and a new feel when you're relaxing.
* When looking for something that goods can not see or find it, even though the goods are clearly present in his eyes (negative visual halusination).
* Occur drool at the thought of or heard people talk about lemon acid.
* Always make a mistake when he met with a certain issue.
* Always arising of anger, resentment, and hate it when considering a person.
* Dreams are perceived as true.
* Occur feeling sad or very sentimental when listening to certain songs.
* And so on and so forth.
Then what is the danger with hypnosis hypnosis the unconscious as that? According hypnotherapy teacher who wrote many best-selling books on this success, for example, is that the people who love to watch soap operas will suffer the same fate with the play-the play that saw.
Why is that? Because they absorb the same values that appear in the soap opera. (GHS/wid)