Known Disease Elephantiasis

Elephant Foot Disease - Disease Foot elephant or in medical terms is called filariasis is a disease that can be contagious. Elephant leg disease occurs due to the Filaria worm and the disease can be transmitted between humans to humans through various types of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes which suck the blood of victims who had suffered previous Elephant Foot Disease, where the blood which is inhaled to infected larvae, and then be transmitted back to others while the mosquitoes bite people.

Symptoms of disease caused by Elephants Foot Fever is a repeat for 3-5 days, and the fever will disappear if adequate rest, and will reappear when working hard. Traits other Elephant Foot disease is a swollen lymph nodes, without causing injuries groin area, armpits and will appear reddish, accompanied by fever and pain.

Usually the swollen area due to the elephant leg disease will be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, and then may rupture and ooze pus with blood.

Enlargement legs, arms, breasts, testicles, and will look reddish and hot is also one of the characteristics of the symptoms of elephantiasis.

Clinical symptoms of victims of chronic elephantiasis patients were settled on the enlargement of legs, arms, breasts and testicles (skroti elephantiasis).

Ways to prevent disease elephantiasis can be done in several ways, including:

- Avoiding the bite of infected mosquitoes that can transmit the disease elephantiasis.

- Clean water plants in the marsh which is a brood of mosquitoes, store or drain water as a mosquito sanctuary.

- Clearing the bushes around the house, and doing water draining places that can support the proliferation of mosquito larvae into.

Hope we Can keep our healthy life.
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