Soluble vitamin in fat

soluble Vitamins in the fat are vitamins A, vitamin D, vitamin E and K. For some things, this vitamin is different from the vitamin dissolves in water. This vitamin is contained in fat and oily part of food. This vitamin is only digested by bile because it is not soluble in water. The following section provides detailed descriptions of each type of this vitamin.

Vitamin A

Difficult to determine the number of needs vitamin A. This vitamin is produced from two different compound that is modified in the body into vitamin A. In animal food source, available in the form of retinol; in vegetable sources of food in the form of beta-karoten, which is less efficient than the production of retinol to vitamin A. This is the amount of vitamin A mebuat suggested in the form of retinol ekivalen, RE. The amount of recommended vitamin A is 1000 micro-grams per RE for men and 800 micro-grams for women.

Sources of primary.
Vegetables and fruits is the most vitamin A bearer. Most foods that contain vitamin A is a bright color (although not all foods that contain vitamin flamboyant A). Vegetables are rich in vitamin A are carrots, parsnip, pumpkin, spinach and melon. Susu, cheese, butter and eggs also contain vitamin A.

Vitamin A essential for the maintenance of the cells from the cornea and epitel vision. Vitamin A also helps the growth and reproduction and dental bones. In addition, vitamin A also have a role in the establishment and the hormone and to help protect the body against cancer.

Deficiency symptoms
Lack of vitamin A can lead to serious consequences. This is usually accompanied by lack of protein and zinc minerals. Vitamin A can be stored in the body for a year. This means that the lack of symptoms does not appear immediately after the stop to its consumption of this vitamin. However, if it appears after a long time from the moment there is no consumption, the symptoms may be very clear and heavy.

One of the first symptoms is night blindness. If the shortage persists, it can also play a role in decreasing the cornea and cause blindness. Lack of this vitamin can also prevent the growth of bones, or cause changes in the form of bones, forming the cleft and damage to the teeth and stunt the growth of cells forming the teeth. Anemia is a result of the other. In addition, this defisiensi affect bone and nerve system, and can lead to paralysis.

Poisoned vitamin A occurs at the time of its binding protein that has been met so that the free vitamin A can attack the body cells. This usually does not occur if the food comes from the vitamin daily, but this can happen when someone using the supplement. Symptoms are nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, diarrhea and loss of body weight. Nerve and muscle system can also be affected, causing symptoms such as loss of appetite, crankiness angry, tired, trouble sleeping, anxiety, headaches and weak muscles.
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