'Basil Anthrax' milling around in the net-animal tissue of patients, which is excreted through the secretion and excretion of approaching death.
When anthrax die, then dissection or ingested birds or animals of prey, then quickly formed and spores contaminating the surrounding soil. If this happens, it becomes difficult to destroy. This becomes even more difficult when it tesebar spores formed by wind, water, soil tillage, forage grass and so forth. In hot climate areas of blood-sucking flies among other types of 'Tabanus' can act as the transfer of disease.
Early anthrax shoots ranged 1-3 days, sometimes there are up to 14 days. Natural infection through (a) the digestive tract, (b) respiratory tract, and (c) the injured skin surface.
Through the digestive tract infections commonly encountered in animals with swallowing spores, however another way that infection can still occur.
In humans, infection usually comes from the animal through the skin surface of the wounded, especially in people who have dealt with many animals.
Through respiratory infection may occur in the sorter workers fleece (wool-sorter disease), while the infection through the digestive tract occurs in people who eat meat animal origin anthrax patients.