Signs of malnutrition
According to Dr. Sri Kurniati MS, Doctor of Medical Nutrition Expert Child and Maternity Hospital Harapan Kita, malnutrition in children are divided into three.
The first, referred to as Protein Energy Malnutrition Light. At this stage, Sri explains that there are no specific signs that can be seen clearly. Only the child's weight reached only 80 percent of normal weight.
While the second, known as Protein Energy Malnutrition Moderate. At this stage, the child's weight reached only 70 percent of normal weight.
In addition, there are signs that can be seen clearly is the face becomes pale, and hair color changed a little red.
Third, known as Protein Energy Malnutrition Weight. This section is divided again into two, are very few, usually called Marasmus. Marasmus is a sign on the child's weight reached only 60 percent or less of normal weight. Apart from marasmus, another so-called Kwashiorkor. In kwashiorkor, in addition to weight, there are some other signs that can be directly visible. Among others are the feet have swollen, red hair and easily dismissed, and because vitamin A deficiency, a myopic eye, the cornea experiencing drought, and sometimes ulcers on the cornea, so that the eyes can burst. In addition to signs or symptoms, there are also other signs. Concomitant diseases such example is anemia or anemia, infection, diarrhea is often the case, crusty skin and broke and out of fluid, and cracked in the corner of his mouth.
Malnutrition Causes factor
Poor nutrition in children, can occur in children under five years of age (Bottom Five Years). "Guidelines to identify malnourished children is to look at weight and height are less than normal," said Sri. Sri add, if the child's height is not growing, or less than normal, it indicates that malnutrition in children has been prolonged. Sri explained, there are several factors that cause malnutrition in children. First, the distances between the ages of brothers and sisters who are too close to go influenced. Thus, the attention of the mother to the brother was taken in the presence of his sister, so the brothers tend to neglect and not considered food.
Therefore, the older brother eventually become malnourished. "Childhood is a passive consumer, can not take care of himself, especially o eat," said Sri. Second, children who started to walk are also susceptible to infection or infected by other diseases. In addition, the third is due to a less environmentally clean, so easy a sick child. Because these sickly, the child becomes malnourished.
Fourth, the lack of knowledge of parents, especially mothers about nutrition. "Poor nutrition is purely for the food," said Sri. According to Sri, her mother must be able to provide enough nutritional content of food. "Not necessarily expensive, can also be given food is cheap, good quality home," said Sri.
Hence the clever-clever mother had to choose foods for children.
Fifth, family socio-economic conditions are tough. This factor is quite a lot of influence, because if the child is rarely eat, then they will automatically malnutrition.
Sixth, in addition to food, child malnutrition could also be due to congenital disease that forced the child to be treated. Such as heart disease and congenital lung.
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